Rabu, 11 Februari 2009


1. HIK Kapal, ISI Solo.Tapi sekarang rame banget.gak nyaman dan gak asik lagi.
2. HIK Pak Item SoloBaru, lumayan lebih mahal.
3. HIK Pak Kumis : di emperan stadion manahan. Buka jam 18.30-selesai.
4. Warung Sore :dari Monumen Pers ke barat - arah ke Lapangan Kota Barat. Disajikan diatas piring yang dari tanah liat, nasi dibentung bundar dan sambal ditarus diatasnya + bandeng.
5. Warung Bu Kombo :Daerah timuran (kl ga salah), di dalam kampung di belakang Hotel Sahid Raya Solo. Disini tidak menggunakan bandeng/ikan sebagai lauknya tapi menggunakan daging yang dicacah kecil-kecil. Selain itu disediakan banyak sate-sate an sebagai lauk juga.
6. HIK Pak Maryo :Jalan Honggowongso, dekat bunderan veteran. Yang khas disini adalah sambelnya.. Huah banyak + pedas minta ampun.
7. Nasi Bandeng pak Mul :Di depan Hotel Kusuma Sahid atau tepatnya persis di pinggir SMP Kristen Kanisius. Porsinya tepat dan nasi menggunakan alas dari daun pisang
8. HIK Beijing : Slamet Riyadi, depannya Gramedia seberang jalannya.
9. HIK Halte : Slamet Riyadi, pas di halte.
10.Wedangan Plus :depan komplek Gedung Batari jalan Slamet Riyadi
menu spesial "sego kucing karo sego teri bakar dibuntel asli godong gedang.Wedangnya Wedang Gandem.
11. Angkringan Muji : di ujung selatan Jalan Honggowongso (deket pertigaan dengan Jalan Veteran). buka 18.30-selesai.
12. HIK YONO/Seno: belakang kampus UNS.
13. HIK Abu : Jl. Ir. Sutami, depan Solocom.

dari berbagai sumber

Career Days UGM IV UGM on February 2009

Nama Kegiatan : Career Days UGM IV UGM on February 2009
Penyelenggara : ECC UGM didukung oleh UGM, FT-UGM, KAGAMA, dan KATGAMA
Hari : Kamis-Sabtu
Tanggal : 26-28 Februari 2009
Pukul : 8.30 – 16.30 WIB
Tempat : Gedung Grha Sabha Pramana Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
Target Peserta : 35 perusahaan
Target Pengunjung : 6000 orang

Gratis untuk member….

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009



PT Global TV is one the company private television sector in Indonesia.


1. IT Broadcast Programmer
2. IT Broadcast Support
3. Design Graphic
4. Budget & Cost Control
5. Maintenance Engineering
6. Administrasi
7. Property Studio (Freelance)


IT Broadcast Programmer1. Male / Female
2. Max. 28 years old
3. Min D3 / S1 Information Technology / Computer Science
4. Knowledge delphi, php , oracle & sql server
5. Good Team work
6. Hard worker, good analytical, orientation to detail and ability to handle project with tight deadline, and eager to learn with minimum supervision.

IT Broadcast Support
1. Male
2. Max. 28 years old
3. Min D3 / S1 Information Technology / Computer Science
4. Good knowledge Networking and Troubleshooting OS
5. Good Team work
6. Hard worker, good analytical, orientation to detail and ability to handle project with tight deadline, and eager to learn with minimum supervision.

Design Graphic
1. Male
2. Max. 28 years old
3. Min D3 / S1 Communication / Design Communication Visual / Information Technology / Computer Science
4. Good knowledge Graphic Tools
5. Good Team work
6. Hard worker, good analytical, orientation to detail and ability to handle project with tight deadline, and eager to learn with minimum supervision.

Budget & Cost Control
1. Male / Female
2. Max. 28 years old
3. Min D3 / S1 Accounting / Finance
4. Good Team work
5. Hard worker, good analytical, orientation to detail and ability to handle project with tight deadline, and eager to learn with minimum supervision.

Maintenance Engineering
1. Male
2. Max. 28 years old
3. Min D3 / S1 Electronics / Electro / Telecommunications
4. Good Team work
5. Hard worker, good analytical, orientation to detail and ability to handle project with tight deadline, and eager to learn with minimum supervision.

1. Female
2. Max. 25 years old
3. Min D3 / S1 any majors
4. Good Team work
5. Hard worker, good analytical, orientation to detail and ability to handle project with tight deadline, and eager to learn with minim

Sent to:
Human Resource Department
PT. Global Informasi Bermutu (GlobalTv)
Wisma Indovision Lt 17
Jl. Raya Panjang Z/III
Jakarta 11520
E mail : hrd@globaltv.co.id
Closing date: 5 April 2009

ANTARA has been officially serving as a National News Agency since 1962. It was declared as a public corporation in July, 2007. With 32 bureaus nationwide, a number of representative offices and correspondents abroad.
Technical Support Engineer
(Jakarta Raya)
- Male, max 30 years old
- Hold S1 in Computer Science/Information Technology System
- Should have excellent knowledge and experience working in Linux (RHEL)
- Good knowledge in Networking concept, LAN, Router, etc
- Good analytical, communication and problem solving skills and able to work independently and team
- Troubleshoot any problem related with the Linux operating system
- Fresh graduated or still in college are possible to apply
- Responsible and Able to work under pressure

1. Recent Photo
2. Complete CV
3. Job references
4. Certificate/Documents support

Interested candidate should send your application not later than two
weeks after this advertisement e-mail to: personalia@antara.co.id and cc : julfan@antara.co.id


Global TV (subsidiary of PT. Media Nusantara Citra, Tbk), We are looking for Qualified candidates to fill this vacancy as:

Motion Graphic Designer
(Jakarta Raya)

- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Art/Design/Creative Multimedia or equivalent.
- Required skill(s): 3D max, after effect, illustrator.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- Full-Time positions available.
- Good appearance and stylish is a must
- Have excellent communication skills, good appearance and ability to work in a team and individually
- Dynamic, honest, responsible, and willingness to work under pressure and long hours with deadline
- Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Those interested are invited to apply. Please send your latest CV, including your portfolio, current and expected salary, at the latest 2 weeks after this announcement, to:
e-mail : hrd@globaltv.co.id or send to
Wisma Indovision 17th floor
Jl. Raya Panjang Blok Z/III
Jakarta Pusat 11520
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
(Please state the position or code you apply )
Note : Only short-listed candidates will be notified

PT PPA Consultants

Kami, PT. PPA Consultants, Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Jasa
konsultansi Manajemen Proyek.
1. Liaison Officer (LO)
2. Staff Teknis (ST)
3. Asisisten Tenaga Ahli (ATA)
4. Staff Accounting (AC)

1. Staf Liaison Officer (LO)
- S1 Ilmu Sosial
- Lulusan PTN / PTS (reputable/university), min IPK 2,75
- Memiliki kemampuan dalam berbahasa Asing/ Inggris
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi secara baik dan lancar
- Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer
- Domisili di wilayah Jabodetabek
2. Staff Teknis (ST)
- S1 Semua Jurusan
- Lulusan PTN/PTS berakreditasi A, min IPK 2,75
- Memiliki kemampuan dalam berbahasa Inggris
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi secara baik dan lancar
- Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer dan Administrasi
- Domisili di wilayah Jabodetabek
3. Asisten Tenaga Ahli (ATA)
- S1 Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi
- Lulusan PTN/PTS berakreditasi A, min IPK 2.75
- Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman dibidang administrasi Proyek
- Lebih di utamakan Wanita
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi secara baik dan lancar
- Domisili di wilayah Jabodetabek
4. Staff Accounting (AC)
- S1 Akuntansi
- Lulusan PTN/PTS berakreditasi A, min IPK 2.75
- Diutamakan Laki-laki
- Memiliki Kemampuan adminstrasi Keuangan
- Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer (min.Exel)
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi secara baik dan lancar
- Domisili di wilayah Jabodetabek

Lamaran dilengkapi dengan :
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Foto kopi dan transkrip nilai (surat referensi & sertifikat keahlian lainnya yang mendukung)
3. Fas foto terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 (1 lembar)
4. Foto kopi KTP yang masih berlaku
5. Menuliskan kode Lamaran.

Lamaran kami terima paling lambat Tgl 16 Februari 2009 via email ke
PT. PPA Consultant
Jln. Tebet Timur Raya No. 56-57, Jakarta Selatan
No. Telp. : (021) 8305856-57